I became interested in trucking at a young age having grown up in a family that owns a trucking company started by my grandfather Richard Mullin Sr. in 1958. After high school, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I got a part-time job as a detailer at a dealership. That’s where I realized that sales was not for me. I wanted to do something that held deeper meaning and importance to me, where I would love the work. So, I decided to follow the family legacy in the trucking/transportation industry. Since I live too far from Mullin Trucking, my mom suggested Upper lakes Foods. To get my foot in the door, I applied for a driver’s helper position. My first day was hard and I wasn’t sure I could do the work. But, I figured I owed them at least a month of work, since they had taken a chance on me. So, I stuck with it and after every route, it got easier and I became more proficient at the job. I’ve learned to love the work. After working for a few months as a driver helper, my supervisor took notice and offered to send me through Above and Beyond CDL Driving Academy where I met my instructors Brian Hudson and Spencer Pittman. They showed me the ins and outs of operating a semi-truck. They didn’t just demonstrate how to be a safe driver, they demonstrated why drivers need to take every safety precaution and why the precautions are in place. I was nervous on my first day of class. However, they quickly eased my nerves with how they explained everything in detail. I’m so glad I was given this opportunity to earn my CDL and to have done it with the help of Brian and Spencer and I can’t wait to start driving truck on my own. – Scott

Scott Mullin
CDL Academy Graduate